
Herbal Bait

Service Details:

In the first step, a team of experts will place the bait in the path way or hiding area of the rodent, and then when the rat eats the herb bait, it causes the rat to numb and numb the rodent, which causes the rodent to become anorexic and then escape. This method is like destroying the taste buds of mice, and then the mice learn and do not eat in this area again. This method is considered the most effective and safe method of chasing rodents in one way. This must be based on external factors such as cleanliness, hygiene and environment.

Features and Advantages
When rats eat bait, this herb will make the senses of tea taste and make the rodent susceptibe to food. So I'm going to run away to find another food source. This method is suitable for chasing rodents without causing rodent death. Home & General Housing

Service Procedures

1. Make an appointment with a local survey technician or call the staff to report the problem.

2. Expert staff offer solutions and recommend the services required.
3. Shop for services according to the instructions of the staff.

4. Pay via website and schedule appointment when payment is completed.

5. A team of experts will be available on the appointment date for approximately 30-60 minutes.

6. The Company will follow up after the service according to the warranty conditions of the Company.


We don't have a collection and removal service for rat debris.

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