
Options & Service Procedures

Organic Herbal 5

Herbal solution with a mixture of large animal hormones suitable for All types of general rat repellent are safe for people and animals.

Herbal Bait h

This Herbal bait is effective for get ridding of rats Suitable for Customers who doesn't want to kill the rats.

Rat Glue Trap 6

Imported special toughness rat trap mask tray, suitable for Customers who find small rodents, such as rats, rats, etc.

Chemical Bait f

This type of bait will cause the rodent to become sick and escape within 7-10 days. Customers who want to chase rats on the outside of the house or building.

Rat Cage Trap  g

A special rat trap cage specifically designed to trap rats. Suitable for medium and large sized rodents.

Deadly Bait u

This type of bait is active, causing the rat to die suddenly. The area is wide and many rodents are found, such as warehouses, restaurants. Shopping Malls